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Why is changing an engine air filter important?

Why is changing an engine air filter important?

v bank filter  for gas turbine

Every modern vehicle engine is a little different, but all require a steady mix of fuel and oxygen to run properly. Imagine trying to breathe through a face mask caked in dirt, dust, and other environmental contaminants. That’s what it’s like for your engine to run with a dirty engine air filter. Thankfully, changing the filter is one of the simplest and cheapest routine maintenance items to tackle. (Even easier than changing your oil!) Modern engine air filters are easy to access and typically require few or no tools to replace.

The engine air filter, on the other hand, keeps the air your engine “breathes” clean and free of dirt, dust, and other particles — all of which can affect how efficiently your car runs. A dirty air filter can result in ignition problems, lower gas mileage, and, if neglected over the long-term, shortened engine life.

While changing the engine air filter is one the easier pieces of maintenance a car owner can do, an air filter is an important part of your car’s engine. It keeps contaminants, big and small, out of the engine to ensure it has clean air to keep it running. There’s a small chance that a dirty air filter will allow dirt and small pieces of debris to get into your engine. A dirty air filter will also sap performance and reduce fuel economy. Regularly changing your car’s air filter will prolong the life of the engine, reduce emissions, improve fuel economy, and, depending on what kind of filter you use, could even bring some extra performance. The benefits far outweigh the small amount of time and effort it takes to complete.

Modern vehicles are far more complex than their predecessors. That means most maintenance tasks require a professional — a mechanic with proper training, tools, and specialized hardware — to tackle. Thankfully, changing your car’s air filters isn’t one of those tasks.

Post time: Apr-22-2023